Millionaire Mistake

My goal to be a Millionaire in 5 Years is alive – and kicking – and full of mistakes …

I’m completely changing this post – because the Empower Network Scam Is Bullshit.

This post was originally about how great Empower Network was.

It was a MISTAKE.  I got suckered in.  Don’t let it happen to you.

Now – it’s true that Empower Network has some awesome content.  You can learn a LOT in their trainings.  However – the deception is in the sales hype about making a fortune SELLING their product line.

VERY VERY FEW people make real money in Empower Network.  99% of affiliate fail to achieve the kind of success they talk about.

This article was about one of their product offerings called the $15K Formula.  As I said – there’s great info in there, so I’ll leave the rest of the article up just for the sake of acknowledging that there’s always multiple stories within any story.

Here it is (with any sales links or hype removed) …

There are 24 lessons in Advanced Internet Marketing in the $15K Formula– I just finished Video #1.  It was mind-blowing.  Here are the key things that I got out of this module:

To be a Millionaire in 5 Years, there are new, vital ways of being:

  • TAKE ACTION – immediate, decisive action – even if you don’t know what you’re doing yet
  • Clarity of intention, purpose and outcome – getting clear on goals increases success dramatically
  • Write down clear outcomes (goals) in advanceSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound
  • Write outcomes in the present tense – not so distant future, but NOW
  • Get clear on the evidence that will confirm that you met your goal
  • REWARD YOURSELF – celebrate achieving goals and attaining successful outcomes
  • Read your outcome goals daily, and throughout the day

Exercise – 90-Day Income Goal


Write out a clear, aggressive monthly income target to achieve within 90 days. This is not how much you will make in the next 90 days – it’s what you’re MONTHLY INCOME will be 90 days from now. This number should push you – stretch your comfort zone – something that you really have to work hard to get. Be specific about how you see it: what dollar amount? What purpose will it serve in your life? What reasons are driving you to achieve that goal? What evidence will confirm that you hit the mark?

How will you reward yourself, how you celebrate?

Write a specific vision of achieving your goal – and write it in the present tense, even though it is a 90 day goal. Write it as if it is happening right now. Be specific about your environment when you see the result confirmed. Where will you be? Who will you be with? What will the colors be like, what will the light you like, what will be ambient sounds be, what other sensations will be present for you?

Daily Goals, Daily Achievement


Now, take that new monthly income and divide it by 31. This is your DAILY INCOME GOAL. You want to focus on that number every day – and do what it takes to get to that number every day.

Focus on the daily goal will keep you from getting distracted. Maintaining this focus every day, and doing what it takes every day, will help you meet long-term goals.

Action Plan

 * Hype removed * –  no longer a part of Millionaire in 5 Years.

  • Blog daily – write a blog post every day. There is tremendous information in the Empower Network 15 K formula program that will guide you to enormous blogging success! When you blog, remember the timeless lesson of the Bhagavad Gita … do what’s before you, unattached to the results.
  • Reinvest 20% of your profits in marketing. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you’re doing – don’t worry about losing money – just put your money back to work, drive traffic – and the conversions will come as you learn and grow.
  • Do Something Live – a webinar, a telephone conference, an online hangout. Plan a live event within the next week, and then do one every week. It could be an online webinar, it could be a telephone conference. There are lots of options – and again, the $15K Formula from Empower Network will guide you to success.
  • Listen to audio daily. Empower Network’s Inner Circle product provides a wealth of daily audio to listen to for inspiration, motivation and moneymaking strategies.  There are countless other sources of great audio out there too – the point is just to fill your head with positive messages.
  • Watch one training weekly and apply it to your business (hype removed)

* Hype removed *

Stay tuned – it is much more to come on being a Millionaire in 5 Years!

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